Evenimente GREDEN

Jean Monnet Chair

„Green Deal and European Negotiations”

Professor Dr. Melania-Gabriela Ciot

Co-funded by the European Union

Catedra Jean Monnet

„Green Deal and European Negotiations”

Prof. univ. dr. habil. Melania-Gabriela Ciot

Cofinanțat de Uniunea Europeană

Prof. univ. dr. Melania-Gabriela Ciot a participat în data de 29 noiembrie 2023 la deschiderea Conferinței Internaționale „Beyond Conflict: Ukraine’s Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction”, organizată de Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu, prin Global Studies Center. Invitați de prestigiu, din mediul academic național și internațional, reprezentanți ai Ministerului de Externe al României, Ambasadorul Ucrainei la București, membri ai Parlamentului Ucrainei, ai Băncii Naționale a Ucrainei, a unor think thank-uri naționale și internaționale am încercat să găsim răspunsuri și soluții la provocările curente din Vecinătatea Estică. Lucrarea prezentată în cadrul conferinței a fost „Reconstruction and preparation for Ukraine’s accession to the EU”.

Professor Melania-Gabriela Ciot participated on November 29, 2023, in the opening of the International Conference „Beyond Conflict: Ukraine’s Journey to Recovery, Reform, and Post-War Reconstruction,” organized by Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu, through the Global Studies Center. Distinguished guests from the national and international academic community, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, the Ambassador of Ukraine in Bucharest, members of the Ukrainian Parliament, the National Bank of Ukraine, and various national and international think tanks attempted to find answers and solutions to the current challenges in the Eastern Neighborhood. The paper presented at the Conference was „Reconstruction and preparation for Ukraine’s accession to the EU.”

Professor Dr. Gabriela Ciot’s participation in the Third International EUXGLOB Conference, themed „Perspectives of the European Union’s Eastern Neighbourhood,” on November 9-10, 2023, in Cluj-Napoca.




Paper Presentation: Professor Gabriela Ciot and Dr. Luciana Butișcă presented their paper titled „European Green Deal’s energy and security policies’ challenges for Black Sea region”.


Panel Moderation: Professor Gabriela Ciot served as the Moderator for Panel Number 6 of the Conference.


Round Table Discussion: In addition, Professor Ciot participated in a round table discussion titled „The Regional Impact of the Great Powers’ Changing Relations,” which took place in the Robert Schuman Room, in the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University. This session featured experts from the ICDE think tank and special guests.



Participation in the event organized by the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences, Department of International Relations and European Studies.


Workshop 2 – The European Union from the Romantism of Accession to the Current Challenges

The topics covered in this Workshop were very diverse, including interdisciplinary analyses from innovative perspectives. The first part of the presentations and discussions was dedicated to sustainability issues and the EU Green Deal strategy, analysed from the perspective of Western (Germany) and Central Eastern European countries.



The title of the paper presented by Professor Dr. Melania-Gabriela Ciot was „The European Green Deal and the challenges for Member States in Central and Eastern Europe”.





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