Conf. dr. Nicoleta RACOLȚA-PAINA

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Director Departamentului de Studii Europene și Guvernanță

Nicoleta Racolţa-Paina este absolventă a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice, Specializarea Marketing, promoţia 1991-1996. Ea deţine titlul de Doctor în economie, Specializarea management din anul 2002, titlu obţinut la aceeaşi universitate.

Nicoleta Racolţa-Paina susţine cursuri şi seminarii în domeniile management şi marketing atât la nivel licenţă cât şi la nivel master. Pe parcursul carierei didactice (de 19 ani) Nicoleta Racolţa-Paina şi-a dezvoltat aptitudinile şi experienţa profesională beneficiind de colaborări cu diferite instituţii academice internaţionale, ca de exemplu: Michigan State University, University of Sussex şi University of Munster. Principalele rezultate în domeniul cercetării sunt materializate în: 7 cărţi (2 ca şi autor unic, 1 ca şi coordonator  4 ca şi co-autor) și peste 45 de articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste cotate în baze de date internaționale.

Nicoleta Racolţa-Paina este coordonator al Masteratului Management performant.


Domenii de InteresCVPublicații recenteCursuri & seminariiConsultații & ContactTeme licenţă si disertaţie
  1. Management strategic la nivelul UE
  2. Comportament organizaţional
  3. Antreprenoriat şi afaceri mici la nivelul UE




  1. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, Irini Radu Dan (2021), „Generation Z in the Workplace through the Lenses of Human Resource Professionals – A Qualitative Study”, pp. 78-85, Quality: Access to Success, Vol. 22, No. 183, WOS:000654717500014,
  2. Coros, Monica Maria; RACOLȚA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; Pop, Ana Monica; Bolog, Cristina; Nistoreanu, Bogdan Gabriel (2021), “The Perception of Romanian Students and Graduates Oo Tourism and Hospitality Programmes Regarding the Labour Market and their Future Employment”, Transformations In Business & Economics, Volume: 20, Issue: 1, Pages: 125-139,  WOS:000630908900008.
  3. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, Muntean Ileana (2020), “Innovative Teams Through The Lenses Of Team Leaders: Characteristics, Challenges And Achievements”, Studia UBB Negotia, LXV 4, pp. 7 – 26, DOI:10.24193/subbnegotia.2020.4.01
  4. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, BUNEA, Nicolae Sebastian (2020), “The Journey of Adopting Lean Six Sigma – from the Implementation Team’s Perspective: A Case Study”, Management and Economic Review, Volume 5(2), Online-ISSN: 2501-885X, 232-245,
  5. ILIEȘ, Liviu; RACOLȚA-PAINA, Nicoleta, Dorina; Rus, Andrada, Lăcrămioara, “Managementul schimbării – implementarea unui sistem nou de operare la nivelul unei echipe de tip suport dintr-o firmă multinaţională”, pp: 103-113 în Ovidiu Nicolescu, Ion Popa, Dănuţ Dumitraşcu (Editori), Abordări și studii de caz relevante privind managementul organizațiilor din România în contextul pandemiei COVID – 19, București: Editura Pro Universitaria, 2020, ISBN 978-606-26-1244-3.
  6. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, BUCUR Andreia Claudia (2019), “The Talent Management Struggle in the Banking Sector – Efforts and Achievements. The Case of a Commercial Bank from Romania”, Contemporary Research on Organization Management and Administration, (CROMA Journal), (ISSN 2335-7959 Online), Volume 7(1), 2019, pp. 58-73,,
  7. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina (2018), „Challenges for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship in Romania”, Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, Issue 27/2018, pp. 160-182,
  8. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, Andrieș, Andreea Maria (2017), „New Perspectives on Family Friendly Policies from the Stakeholders’ Point of View”, Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, Issue 22/2017, pp. 57-84,
  9. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, Andrieș, Andreea Maria (2017), „Identifying Entrepreneurship Readiness for the Application for the Lean Startup Practices in the Service Industry – Case Study: Romania”, ECOFORUM, Vol 6/No.3, pp. 200-210,
  10. Racolta-Paina Nicoleta-Dorina, (2016) The European Single Market: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs. The Case of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Studia Europaea, Vol. 61, Issue 4, pp. 21-41.
  11. Ibănescu Andreea, RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, Ionescu, Dan (2015), „Managers’ Perceptions Regarding Management Challenges and The Development Of Romanian Smes. Selected Findings From 2012-2015, On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe, Issue 16/2015, pp. 20-42,
  12. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, Pleșca, Ecaterina, (2015), „Leading Emotionally Intelligent Workers: Between Strengths And Weaknesses”, International scientific journal Managerial challenges of contemporary society, Zaharie Monica, Gavrea Corina (editors), Vol. 8, no. 1, 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  13. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina, Luncașu Alexandra, (2014), „The sales force of multi-level marketing companies in the context of the marketing communications mix. Case study: Avon Cosmetics Romania”, The Proceedings of the International Conference: Marketing – from information to decision, 7th Edition, Editura Risoprint, Editori I. Plăiaş, R. Ciornea, Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 2067-0338, pp. 185-200.
  14. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; Burcă-Voicu, N. I. (2013), „The Competitiveness of SMEs in the EU Member States. Challenges and Lessons Ahead for Romania”, Studia Europaea, Anul LVIII, 3, pp. 37-60.
  15. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; Mone, S., D.; Brudan, A. (2013), „The State of performance management in Romania – an exploratory research, Review of Management and Economic Engineering, vol. 12, no. 1, iss. 47, ISSN: 1583-624X.
  16. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina. (2013), „Management and Ethics, Review of Management and Economic Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, iss. 46, ISSN: 1583-624X.
  17. Mone, S., D.; Pop, M., D.; RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina. (2013), The “what” and “how” of marketing performance management, Management and Marketing, Challenges for the Knowledge Society, 8, no. 1, pp. 129-146, ISSN 1842-0206.
  18. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2012), “Evaluating the Maturity of Marketing Performance Management Practices”, Proceedings of the lnternational Conference on Business Excellence 12-13 October 2012, Braşov, România, vol. 2, Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov, Editori: C. Brătianu, G. Brătucu, D. Lixăndroiu, N. Al. Pop, S. Văduva, ISBN 978-606-19-0104-3, pp. 17-21, indexing ISI Web of Knowledge:
  19. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana; BRUDAN, Adrian (2012),Adopting the Balanced Scorecard in organizations from Romania – A quantitative study exploring the opportunity”, International Management Conference “A new dilemma: between East and West”, 13th-15th September 2012, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Todesco, Editor: Ioan Abrudan (coordinator), ISSN 2247-8639, ISSN-L 2247-8639, pp. 354-359.
  20. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2011), „Marketing of public organizations. The case of a romanian public agency – an action research approach”, The Proceedings of the International Conference: Marketing – from information to decision, 4th Edition, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 2067-0338, pp. 284 – 294.
  21. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2011), “An Exploratory Study on the New Management Theories Emerged in the 21th Several Insights from Romanian Managers and Consultants”, 2nd Review of Management and Economic Engineering Management Conference, „Management of Crisis or Crisis of Management”, 15-17 Sept. 2011, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, România, Todesco Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, România, Editor: Ioan Abrudan, ISSN 2247-8639, ISSN-L 2247-8639, pp. 539-544.
  22. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta-Dorina; PALADE, Ancuţa; IONESCU, Dan (2011), “SMEs management in the Economic Crisis – Selected Findings from Romania (2008-2011)”, International Management Conference “Management of Crisis or Crisis of Management?”, 15th-17th September 2011, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Todesco Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, România, Editor: Ioan Abrudan (coordinator), ISSN 2247-8639, ISSN-L 2247-8639, pp. 312-320.
  23. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2011), “Adoption of new products within tough economic times – from idea to consolidation. A success story from the Romanian printing market”, 2nd EMAC Regional Conference „Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Economies” Conference Proceedings, 21-23 Sept. 2011, Iaşi, Romania, Editura Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iaşi, România, Editor: Corneliu Munteanu, ISBN: 978-973-640-681-2, pp. 198-204.
  24. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2011), „Developing and using a customer relationship scorecard to leverage relationship value – a theoretical approach”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Excellence, 14-15 Oct. 2011, Braşov, România, Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov, România, Editori: Constantin Brătianu, Gabriel Brătucu, Dorin Lixăndroiu, Nicolae Pop, Sebastian Văduva, ISBN: 978-973-59894-1-5, pp. 13-16.
  25. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta-Dorina; POP, Marius Dorel; MONE, Sorina-Diana (2011), “Resistance to Change: The Case of a Romanian Governmental Agency Implementing Technological Change”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Management of Technological Changes (1-3 septembrie 2011, Alexandroupoli, Grecia), Editura Democritus Univ Thrace, Grecee; Gheorghe Asachi Tech Univ, Editor Costache Rusu, ISBN 978-960-89832-8-1, pp. 529-532, indexing ISI Web of Knowledge:
  26. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; LUCA Theodora Alexandra (2011), „Nowadays online consumers’ rights and interests. Case study – The Romanian educated online young consumer”, Management&Marketing (Bucureşti), Volume 6, Nr. 2, 2011, ISSN 1842-0206, 255 – 272.
  27. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; LUCA Theodora Alexandra (2010), „Several Considerations Regarding the Online Consumer in the 21st Century – A Theoretical Approach”, Management&Marketing (Bucureşti), Volume 5, Nr. 2, 2010, ISSN 1842-0206, pp. 85 – 100,
  28. RACOLŢA-PAINA; Nicoleta Dorina, IONESCU, Dan (2010), „Current Cultural and Organizational Realities in Romania, Using Applied Research to Bridge the Gap between Western Management Theories and Local Management Practices”, Proceedings of the 1st Management Conference: Twenty Years After – How Management Theory Works (16-18 September 2010, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Todesco Publishing House, Ioan Abrudan (coordinator), ISBN 978-973-7695-99-4, pp. 485-494, indexing ISI Web of Knowledge:
  29. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2010)A conceptual Model for Performance Management of Relationship Marketing in Romanian SMEs in the B2B Services Field”, the 5th International Conference on Business Excellence, 15-16 Oct. 2010, Braşov, Romania, Informarket, Braşov, Editori: Constatin Brătianu, Dorin Lixăndroiu, Nicolae Al. Pop , ISBN 978-973-1747-24-8, pp. 106-109, indexing ISI Web of Knowledge:
  30. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2010), „Is it the Right Time for Internal Marketing and Employer Branding? The Case of the IT Sector in Romania”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference „An Enterprise Odyssey: From Crisis to Prosperity – Challenges for Government and Business” (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business, 26-29 May 2010, Opatija, Croaţia), Lovorka Galetic, Mario Spremic, Marijana Ivanov (Editors), CD, ISBN-10: 953-6025-34-5; ISBN-13: 978-953-6025-34-3, pp. 1478-1487.
  31. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2010) “Recent Developments in the Marketing Practice in Transition Economies from Central and Eastern Europe. A Qualitative Study on Romanian SMEs in the Services Field”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Marketing theory Challenges in emerging Societies”, EMAC Regional Conference (24-25 September 2010, Corvinus University of Budapesta, Hungary), Corvinus University of Budapest, Marketing and Media Institute, Andras Bauer, Irma Agardi (Editors), ISBN: 978-963-503-419-2, pp. 234-240.
  32. LUCA, Theodora Alexandra; RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina (2010), “Practical Considerations on Adapting Marketing Decisions to Nowadays’ Online Young Romanian Consumers”, The Proceedings of the International Conference: Marketing – from information to decision, 3nd Edition, (29th October, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, România), Raluca Ciornea, Ioan Plaias (Editori), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 2067-0338, pp. 192 – 206.
  33. PALADE, Ancuţa; RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina (2010), „KPO Industry in Romania Through the Lenses of Generation Y – Lessons to be Considered”, Proceedings of the 1st Management Conference: Twenty Years After – How Management Theory Works (16-18 September 2010, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Todesco Publishing House, Ioan Abrudan (coordinator), ISBN 978-973-7695-99-4, pp. 321-331, indexing ISI Web of Knowledge:
  34. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2009) „Product Innovation – A Framework For Measuring Performance in Romanian Companies, Case Study: Company A”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Management of Technological Changes (3-5 septembrie 2009, Alexandroupoli, Grecia), Editura Alexandroupolis, Greece, Editor Costache Rusu, ISBN 978-960-89832-8-1, pp. 729-732, indexing ISI Web of Knowledge:
  35. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2009) „A Framework for Customer Relationship Marketing. The Case of a Romanian Small Family Business in the Hospitality Industry”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business Excellence (16-17 octomber 2009, Braşov, România), Editura INFOMARKET, Editori: Constatin Brătianu, Dorin Lixăndroiu, Nicolae Al. Pop , ISBN 978-973-1747-12-5, Volume 2, pp. 149-152, indexing ISI Web of Knowledge:
  36. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2009), „Start-up marketing: how to become a player on the B2B services market in Romania”, Management&Marketing (Bucureşti), Volume 4, Nr. 2, 2009, (ISSN 1842-0206, 63 – 78),.
  37. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2009) „Networking: From Marketing Tool to Marketing Competence. A Perspective on How Romanian SMEs Use It”, The Proceedings of the International Conference: Marketing – from information to decision (30-31 October, 2009, Cluj-Napoca, România), 2nd Edition, Ovidiu I. Moisescu,, Ioan Plaias, Marius D. Pop (Editori), Editura Alma-Mater, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 413 – 427.
  38. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta-Dorina; LUCA, Theodora Alexandra (2009) “Using Wireless Internet to Conquer Young Consumers. Case Study: The Coffee Houses from Cluj-Napoca, Romania”, The Proceedings of the International Conference: Marketing – from information to decision (30-31 October, 2009, Cluj-Napoca, România), 2nd Edition, Ovidiu I. Moisescu, Ioan Plăiaş, Marius D. Pop (Editori), Editura Alma-Mater, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 399 – 412.
  39. Mateescu, Veronica-Maria; RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina (2009), Marketing Budgets in A Financial and Economic Crisis. North American and European Perspectives, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Studia Europaea, LIV, 3, pp. 77 – 92.
  40. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; IANUŞ, Florina (2008) „Online marketing seen from the perspective of direct marketing, permission marketing and e-mail marketing”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Economy and Transformation Management„, Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timişoara, 2008, ISSN 1842 – 4880, pp. 67-73.
  41. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; SCHOBEL, Alice (2008) “Some Considerations regarding Business-to-Business Marketing Strategies. The Case of Company X”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Marketing, Marketing – from information to decision (30-31 October, 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, ISBS 978-606-504-054-0, pp.
  42. Mateescu, Veronica; RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina (2008), „The managerial creativity in the decision making process. Case studies of two SMEs in the IT industry from Romania”, Review of Management and Economical Engineering, Special Issue, Vol. 7, No. 8, 2008, ISSN 1583-624X, pp. 117-120.
  43. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; Lungu, Delia Gabriela, (2008), „The impact of change management on quality and competitiveness. The case of company A”, Revista Calitatea – acces la succes, Anul 9, nr. 92, Septembrie 2008, Editura Ars Academica, Bucureşti, ISSN 1582-2559, 296-303,
  44. RACOLŢA-PAINA, Nicoleta Dorina; MONE, Sorina Diana (2008), „Internal marketing – the solution for today’s employers in IT”, Review of Management and Economical Engineering, Special Issue, Vol. 7, No. 6, 2008, ISSN 1583-624X, pp. 117-123.



Nivel licenţă

  • Bazele managementului, curs şi seminar (Specializarea Management, Anul I)
  • Managementul resurselor umane, seminar (Specializarea Management, Anul II, Specializarea Administrație europeană, Anul III)
  • Management public, curs şi seminar (Specializarea Administrație europeană, Anul III, Specializarea Management, Anul III)

Nivel master

  • Comportament organizaţional, curs şi seminar (Specializarea Management performant, Anul I)


  • E-mail:
  • Orar de consultaţii: Luni 17:00 – 18:00 – MS teams cod: bzc1o5e
  • Telefon: +40 (0)264 405300, interior 5961


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