Relații Internaționale și Studii Europene – în limba engleză

Postat în Ofertă de studii licență

Why choose International Relations and European Studies – in English?

Would you like to take advantage of what student life has to offer, to better yourself professionally and personally?

Rise 121

Our graduates are employed by EU institutions and agencies, run their own consultancy firms on non-reimbursable funds, work in multinational corporations, NGOs, city halls, county councils etc.

Would you like to enroll in the programme which offers the most international opportunities?

Counting more than 250 students currently enrolled three-year BA programme, the RISE EN class of 2022 will be the 13th to graduate within our 500-strong alumni community!

over 250 BA students
over 500 graduates

Would you like to meet committed professors and fellow students who are always eager to help?


Laura Maria HERȚA

RISE EN Coordinator

The programme coordinator and tutors are always ready to answer your questions!

Ovidiu VAIDA

1st year tutor


2nd year tutor

Ciprian BOGDAN

3rd year tutor

Would you like to receive an Erasmus study mobility and discover other education systems?

We provide more than 50 mobilities every year!

We are the second best-performing faculty within UBB in terms of the ratio of international  to Romanian students (300 international  students).

Would you like to improve your communication skills?

The communication courses will help you develop your practical skills for team work, negotiation and leadership. You will be able to put them to the test at the faculty’s Image Department and Communication Club (

Do you want to be involved in institutional projects?

The faculty carried out 8 institutional projects where the students from RISE EN were part of the target groups.

Would you like to improve your knowledge on the EU and its diplomatic relations with America, China, Russia and Africa?

The courses we offer will help you understand and assess these aspects from an analytical standpoint.

What you will study

International Relations curriculum

Introduction to Political Science

History of International Relations

Introduction to International Relations

Introduction to Geopolitics

Fundamental Issues of the Contemporary World

Political Ideologies in the Contemporary Age

Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

The Analysis of International Conflicts

International Relations Theories

International and Regional Governance

The Sociology of International Relations

International Institutions and Organisations – elective

Area Studies: Security and Cooperation in Asia

International Institutions and Organisations – elective

Security Studies – elective

European Studies curriculum

Europe: History and Modernity

History of European Integration

European Construction. The EU Institutions

The European Idea. Introduction to European Studies

Common Policies in the EU

Decision-making in the European Union

EU Governance. Theories and Concepts

Introduction to the European Construction Paradigms – elective

Contemporary Economic Systems – elective

The Europeanisation of Romania – elective

European Political Systems –  elective

Communication curriculum

Foreign Language

Institutional Communication in the EU

Negotiation and Mediation in International relations

Communication Skills for International Careers 1 (in English) – elective

Communication Skills for International Careers 1 (in French) – elective

Communication Skills for international careers 2 (in English) – elective

Communication skills for International Careers 2 (in French) – elective

Communication skills for International Careers 3 (in English) – elective

Communication skills for International Careers 3 (in French) – elective

Economics curriculum

International Economics

Public Management

The Management of European Projects

European Economics

The European Union Budget – elective

Contemporary Economic Systems – elective

Globalism, Globalisation and Economic Development

Law curriculum

International Law

European Union Law

Inter-disciplinary curriculum

Computer Science Applied to Social Sciences

Research Methods in Social Sciences

How to Write Academic Papers

Anthropology of Europe

Critical Thinking


Physical Education

Lobbying and Interest Groups- elective

Religion in International Relations

Game Theory- elective

What are the skills that you will gain by enrolling in RISE EN?

The student / graduate will be able to:
  • Elaborate and implement financed projects aiming to solve social and economic problems
  • Analyze events in international relations and propose solutions for conflict management
  • Negotiate partnerships and agreements in the political, economic and social fields, by employing up-to-date communication techniques
  • Elaborate and disseminate complex arguments in the field of international relations and European studies
  • Access databases containing information on European integration and issue forecast documents


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