Prof. dr. VINCZE Enikő

Postat în

Domenii de InteresCursuri & seminariiDate de contactCVPublicațiiTeme licenţă şi disertaţie
  • Analiza critică a politicilor sociale în UE
  • Inegalități socio-teritoriale și locative în capitalismul contemporan
  • Politica locuirii între politici economice și politici sociale
  • Dezvoltare inegală și injustiție spațială
  • Rasism și rasializare
  • Metodologia cercetarii in stiintele sociale;
  • Spatiul social european;
  • Sociologia relatiilor internationale;
  • Sociologie si logica;
  • Teorie urbană critică 
  • Program consultatii:  Luni: 13-16; Link
  • E-mail: sau

Autor cărți:

  • Kísérletek kulturális elemzésre. Experimente în analiza culturalã. Experiments in Cultural Analysis, Cluj: EFES, 1997
  • Antropologia politicii identitare nationaliste (The Anthropology of Nationalist Identity Politics), Cluj: EFES, 1997
  • Diferenţa care contează. Diversitatea Social-Culturală prin Lentila Antropologiei Feministe (Difference Matters. Socio-Cultural Diversity through the Lenses of a Feminist Anthropology), Cluj: Desire, 2002
  • Talking Feminist Institutions. Interviews with Leading European Scholars, Cluj: Desire, 2002
  • Feminista antropológia elvek és gyakorlatok között, egyetemi tankönyv (Feminist Anthropology Between Principles and Practices, university textbook), Cluj: Desire, 2006
  • Social exclusion at the crossroads of gender, ethnicity and class. A view through Roma women’s reproductive health / Excluderea socială la intersecţia dintre gen, etnicitate şi clasă. O privire prin prisma sănătăţii reproducerii la femeile Rome, Cluj: EFES, 2006

Co-autor cărți:

  • Strategii identitare şi educaţie şcolară. EDUMIGROM – România (Identity strategies and school education, a compilation of the reports produced on Romania within the EDUMIGROM project), Cluj: EFES, 2011

Editor al volumelor (selecție):

  • Femei şi bărbaţi în Clujul multietnic (Women and Men in the Multiethnic Cluj), Cluj: Desire, 2001
  • Accesul femeilor și bărbaților de etnie romă la muncă decentă. Viață cotidiană, politici și proiecte (The access of Roma women and men to decent work. Everyday life, policies and projects), cu contribuția (with contribution of) Loreni Baciu, Hajnalka Harbula, Iuliu Kozák, György Lukács, Nándor Magyari, Noémi Magyari, Camelia Moraru, Cluj: Desire, 2011

Co-editor și co-autor volume colective:

  • Women and Men in East European Transition, Cluj: EFES, 1997
  • Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, Cluj: EFES, 1998
  • Întâlniri multiple. Antropologi Occidentali în Europa de Est (Multiple Encounters. Western Anthropologists in Eastern Europe), Cluj: EFES, 2000
  • Prezenţe feminine. Studii despre femei în România (Female Presence. Women’s Studies in Romania), Cluj: Desire, 2002
  • Breaking the Wall. Representing Anthropology and Anthropological Representations in Eastern Europe, Cluj: EFES, 2003
  • Performing Identities. Renegotiating Socio-Cultural Identities in the Post-socialist Eastern Europe, Cluj: EFES, 2004
  • Gen, Societate şi Cultură. Cursuri în Studii de Gen, Volum 1-3 (Gender, Society and Culture. Courses in Gender Studies), Cluj: Desire, 2004
  • Anthropo – Lenyomatok. Amprente. Imprints, Cluj: EFES, 2008
  •  Marginalizarea comunităților de romi din România. Studii de caz în județele Alba, Arad, Călărași, Dolj și Iași (Marginalization of Roma communities from Romania. Case studies in Alba, Arad, Călărași, Dolj and Iași counties), Cluj: EFES, 2014
  • Romedin. Educație pentru incluziune și dreptate socială (Romedin. Education for social justice and inclusion), Cluj: Desire, 2016
  • Pata, Cluj: EFES, 2016
  • Racialized Labour in Romania. Spaces of Marginality at the Periphery of Global Capitalism. [in press, Palgrave]
  • A Reflexive History of the Romani Women’s Movement: Struggles and Debates in Central and Eastern Europe. [in press, Routledge]

Autor articole în reviste de specialitate (selecție):

  •  Le patriarcat d’en haut et d’en bas en Roumanie, in Nouvelles Questions Feministes, Postcommunisme: Genre et États en transition, 2004, Vol. 23, N°2, 29-49
  • Gender, Ethnicity and the Construction of the Social Order. A View from Below on Romania, in Anthropological Yearbook of European Cultures, Gender and Nation in South Eastern Europe, Vol. 14, 2005, 197-227
  • Reproducing Inequalities through Reproductive Control. The case of Romani women from Romania, in the journal The Anthropology of East Europe Review, Special issue on Roma, Volume 25, Number 2, Fall 2007, 108-121,
  • Pauvre jeune femme rom ! Réflexions sur la discrimination multiple des femmes rom et sur l’exclusion sociale, in Etudes Tsiganes, Etre une femme dans le monde tsigane, 2009, n°33-34, 162-192
  • Culture, rights and moral entitlements, In Nevi Sara Kali, No. 2, 2010, pp. 9-29
  • The intersectionality of social status, ethnicity and gender in schooling, In Nevi Sara Kali, No. 3, 2011, pp. 43-72
  • Personal Encounters and Parallel Paths Towards Romani Feminism. Co-authored with Nicoleta Bitu. In Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 2012.Vol. 38, No. 1. Autumn 2012. pp.  44-46.
  • Urban landfill, economic restructuring and environmental racism. In Philobiblon – Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities. 2013. 18(2): 389-406.
  •  Mapping Roma Marginalization in Local Contexts. Co-authored with Florina Pop and others. In Studia UBB Sociologia. 2013. 58(2): 111-155.
  •  Guest Editors’ Foreword for the Special Issue on “Spatialization and Racialization of Social Exclusion. The Social and Cultural Formation of ‘Gypsy Ghettos’ in Romania in a European Context”. Co-authored with Cristina Rat. In Studia UBB Sociologia. 2013. 58(2): 5-23.
  • Socio-Spatial Marginality of Roma as Form of Intersectional Injustice. In Studia UBB Sociologia. 2013. 58(2): 217-243.
  • Roma women’s voices and silences on unjust power regimes. In ERRC Roma Rights Journal. 2013: 35-45.
  • The war against (poor) Roma in racist populist discourses. In Studia UBB Europaea. Volume LIX, 1,  2014: 231-242
  • Politica, politicile și romii, In Revista Vatra. August 2014: 38-41
  • The racialisation of Roma in the ‘new’ Europe and the political potential of Romani women, In European Journal of Women’s Studies, Special issue: The New Europe: 25 Years after the Fall of the Wall, November 2014, 21: 435-442.
  • Glocalization of neoliberalism in Romania through the reform of the state and entrepreneurial development. In Studia Europaea, LX, 1, 2015: 125-151.
  • Processes and Effects of Post-Socialist Neoliberalization (Editorial to the Thematic Block on Post-socialist neoliberalization), In Studia Europaea, LX, 1, 2015: 5-7.
  • Adverse incorporation of the Roma and the formation of capitalism in Romania, In Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 2015 (1) 4: 14-38.
  • Theoretical potential of addressing production of marginality at the crossroads of spatial exclusion and development (Editorial co-authored with Attila Bartha and Tünde Virág), In Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 2015 (1) 4: 4-13.
  • Precarization of working class Roma through spatial deprivation, labor destitution and racialization. In Review of Sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association, 2015 (25) 4, 58-86.
  • Roma Settlement Formation in a Small Romanian Town – Instances of Ghettoization and Reduction to Bare Life, co-authored with Florina Cosmina Pop. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 2016, Volume 2, Nr 1, 183-198.
  • The Ideology of Economic Liberalism and the Politics of Housing in Romania. Studia UBB Europaea, 3/2017.

Autor capitole în volume colective (selecție):

  • “Am I that White? An Eastern Anthropologist on American Understandings of Multiculturalism”, in V. Anăstăsoaie – Cs. Könczei – E. Magyari-Vincze – O. Pecican (coords.): Breaking the Wall. Representing Anthropology and Anthropological Representations in Eastern Europe, Cluj: EFES, 2002.
  • “The Persistence of Gender Inequality in Romania across Political Regimes”, in Performing Identities. Renegotiating Socio-Cultural Identities in the Post-socialist Eastern Europe, coordinated by E. Magyari-Vincze and Petruţa Mîndruţ, Cluj: EFES, 2004
  • “Romanian Gender Regimes and Women’s Citizenship”, in the volume Women and Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Jasmina Lukic, Joanna Regulska and Darja Zavirsek,  Ashgate, 2006, 21-39
  • “Romani Women’s Multiple Discrimination through Reproductive Control”, in the volume Anthropo – Lenyomatok. Amprente. Imprints, edited by Hajnalka Harbula and Eniko Magyari-Vincze, Cluj: EFES, 2008, 299-317
  • “Public Policies as Vehicles of Social Exclusion. The Case of Romani Women’s Access to Reproductive Health in Romania”, In Gender Politics in Post-Comunist Eurasia, edited by Linda Racioppi and Katehrine O’Sullivan, Michigan University Press, 2009, 87-119
  • „Etnicitás és nemiség. Reprodukciós politikák és gyakorlatok egy romániai kisvárosban élő roma nők körében” (Ethnicity and gender. Reproductive policies and practices in the case of Roma women from a Romanian small town), in Etnicitás. Különbségteremtő társadalom, szerkesztette Fesichmidt Margit, Budapest: Gondolat, 2010, 195-208
  • “Identificarea etnică şi poziția socio-economică a romilor dintr-un context urban” (Ethnic identification and the socio-economic position of Roma from an urban context), In Stefania Toma and Laszlo Foszto (eds.) Spectrum. Cercetări sociale despre romi, Cluj: Institute for the Study of the Problems of National Minorities, 2011, 181-207
  • „Rampa de gunoi: spațiul marginalității urbane avansate rasializate în România de azi”, in Antologia Critic Atac, Editura Tact, 2012, 53-63
  • „Spațializarea și rasializarea excluziunii sociale. Nevoia de politici publice integrate pentru romii  marginalizați”, in Interferențe euro-atlantice. 20 de ani de Studii Europene la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, editat de Liviu Țîrău și Ștefan Melancu,  Cluj: EFES, 2013, 342-367
  • „Ethnic identification and the desire to belong in the case of urban Roma youth from Romania”, in Being visible different: Post-colonial, migrant, and Roma youth in education across Europe, edited by Claire Schiff and Júlia Szalai, Palgrave Publishing, 2014, 198-213
  • „Glocalizarea neoliberalismului în România prin reforma statului și dezvoltarea antreprenorială”, in Epoca Traian Băsescu, coordonat de Florin Poenaru și Costi Rogozanu, Editura Tact, 2014, 245-277
  • „Faces and Causes of Roma Marginalization: the case of Romania”, in Júlia Szalai and Violetta Zentai (eds.) Faces and Causes of Roma Marginalization in Local Contexts. E-book. Budapest: CEU Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, 2014, 67-97.
  • Processes of subjectification and racialization of ‘the Roma’,” in Gabriel Troc, Bogdan Iancu (eds.), Moduri de Apropiere și Rezistență Socială. Modes of Appropriation and Social Resistance. Conference proceedings. (The 11th Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Social and Cultural Anthropology), Tritonic, Bucuresti, 2015, 35-61.
  • Ghettoization: the production of marginal spaces of housing  and the reproduction of racialized labour. In E. Vincze, N. Petrovici, C. Raț, G. Picker (eds). Racialized Labour in Romania. Spaces of Marginality at the Periphery of Global Capitalism. [in press, Palgrave]

Co-autor capitole în volume colective:

  • “Questioning the <Feminization of Poverty> in Romania”, in a study co-authored with N. Magyari, L. Popescu and T. Rotariu published         in the volume Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Eastern Europe During the Market Transition, edited by R.J. Emigh and I. Szelényi,         Praeger, 2001
  • „Introduction: Racialized Labour of the Dispossessed as an Endemic Feature of Capitalism.” In E. Vincze, N. Petrovici, C. Raț, G. Picker (eds). Racialized Labour in Romania. Spaces of Marginality at the Periphery of Global Capitalism. [in press Palgrave]
  • „Towards an Anti-Racist Feminism for Social Justice in Romania”. In A Reflexive History of the Romani Women’s Movement: Struggles and Debates in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Jelena Jovanović, Angéla Kóczé, Enikő Vincze and Violetta Zentai. [in press, Routledge]
  • „Introduction: The Relevance of Romani Feminist Critique and Gender Politics.” In A Reflexive History of the Romani Women’s Movement: Struggles and Debates in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Jelena Jovanović, Angéla Kóczé, Enikő Vincze and Violetta Zentai. [in press, Routledge]

Apariții media

Articole (selecție):


  1. „Am pus împreună bazele unui concept de activism artistic”. Realizat de Mihaela Michalcov. In Arta politică contemporană. Perspective critice. 2013-2014. Editat de Mihaela Michalcov, David Schwartz, Ionuț Sociu, Marius Bogdan Tudor. București: Charmides, 2015: 107-125.
  2. „Despre ghetoizarea și rasializarea sărăciei, Pata Rît, Cluj”. Realizat de Alexandru Polgár. In Revista Idea/ artă + societate, # 48, 2015: 144-153.
  3. Pata Rât – „colonia” de nedoriți de lângă groapa de gunoi a Clujului. Realizat de Vasile Ernu. In Mediafax,  27.10.2016,
  4. La ziarul ”Cărămida” ne luptăm pentru dreptul la locuire. Realizat de Vasile Ernu. In  Baricada. Portal pentru critică socială, 27.12.2017,


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