Fise discipline Rise En 2023-2024Materii Opționale Rise En 2023-2024
An I 2023-2024 RISE En
Semestrul I
- International Economics
- History of European Integration
- Introduction to the Study of International Relations
- Institutional Communication in the EU
- Europe History and Modernity
- Trends in Democratic Culture in Eastern Europe
- Analysis of International Conflicts
- Computer Science Applied in Social Sciences
- The Idea of Europe
Semestrul II
An II 2023-2024 RISE En
Semestrul I
- Sociology of International Relations
- Economie internationala
- European Political Systems
- International public law
- Common Policies in the EU
Materii optionale
Semestrul II
- European Union law
- Politici comune in UE
- Ideologii politice in epoca contemporana
- Negotiations and mediations in international relations
- EU economy
- EU Decision Making
- Materii optionale
An III 2023-2024 RISE En
Semestrul I
- Foreign policy and diplomacy
- Governance of the EU. Theories and Concepts of European Integration
- Theory of International Relations
- Theory of International Relations
- Analysis of International Conflicts
- Contemporary Economic Systems
- Anthropology of Europe
Materii optionale
- Communication for International Careers
- Communication pour carrières internationales
- Contemporary Economic Systems
- Lobby si grupuri de interese
Semestrul II
- Critical Thinking
- Public Management
- Management of European Projects
- International and Regional Governance
- Fundamental Issues in the Contemporary World
Materii optionale
An II 2023-2024 RISE En