DIECE 2019

Postat în Conferințe FSE

About the Conference

After four successful events (plus a special edition), the International Conference “Disintegration and Integration in East-Central Europe”, organized since 2013 by the Faculty of European Studies of Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in cooperation with prestigious academic institutions, such as the Universities of Strasbourg, Padua or Rome, and high-level academic bodies actively involved in EU studies, such as The European Union Liaison Committee of Historians, is now at its fifth edition.

This edition will be organized in partnership with the University of Debrecen and will focus on the current setbacks, but also inconspicuous opportunities, which surround the process of EU integration, with a particular focus on its diverse economic, juridical and political stakes. As in the case of previous editions, the conference exhibits a strong regional focus, with special emphasis on Romania as an interesting case study more than a decade after joining the Union. Set against the background of the various scenarios envisaged for the future of European integration, participants (experienced scholars, as well as young researchers) will be encouraged to present their views on some of the most prominent files on Brussels’ agenda, including the reform of the Regional Policy, the multiannual budget and the rise of populism amid the migrants’ crisis.

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