Student Workshop “Joint Effort 2019: Virtual Collaboration on Cybersecurity”

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Virtual Collaboration on Cybersecurity


8th + 9th February 2019

organized by Joint Effort Team


Participating universities: University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Babeș-Bolyai University (Faculty of European Studies), Rzeszow University of Technology, University of Glasgow, and Charles University.

Main organizer: University of Applied Sciences Regensburg


Participants from Romania:

Mureșan Cristian

Negară Diana

Roșiu Denisa-Maria

Constantin-Bercean Sebastian

Mureșan Radu

Kraft-Biriș Paul

Țerigariu Samuel

Cătălin-Boris Badea

Toporeţ Ana

Antal Kinga Evelyn

Cătăneț Vianora


Organizers (team Romania):

Associate Prof. Laura Herța

Associate Prof. Adrian Corpădean

IT – Alex Burcă




Official start: 09:30 a.m. (Germany, Spain, Malta and Poland)

10:30 a.m. (Greece and Romania)


Day 1: 8th February 2019

9:30 Welcome and Introduction

10:00 Expert talk I: Marian Corbe, Cyber Security Consultant, KPMG

“Introduction into Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructures” + discussion

11:15 Work Phase I:

National approaches to Cybersecurity and protection of Critical

Infrastructures in the participating countries

12:30 Lunch break

13:15 Work Phase II:

Cyber attacks

14:45 Coffee break

15:15 Virtual Briefing on research results with other universities

16:00 Expert talk II: Prof. Dr. Jan Voracek, College of Polytechnics, Jihlava, CZ

“Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures: Knowledge Sharing Model”

End of Day 1 at 17:00

Day 2: 9th February 2019

9:30 Welcome again

9:50 Expert Talk III: Prof. Dr. Izabela Oleksiewicz, Rzeszów University of

Technology Poland.

“The problems with the implementation of the NIS directive on the

example of Poland” + discussion

10:45 Virtual Discussion: What are the opportunities and challenges for

international cooperation regarding CS and CI?

12:30 Lunch Break

13:15 Expert Talk IV: Nikolas Ott, Mercator Fellow at the Organisation for

Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

“Challenges and opportunities of international cooperation in terms of

Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructures” + discussion

14:45 Summary of the Discussion

Feedback Session

15:45 Farewell and acknowledgements

End of Day 2 at 16:00