Proiectul InnoMe de implementare al Sistemului de Management al Inovării (SMI)

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Faceți cunoștință cu proiectul InnoMe de implementare al Sistemului de Management al Inovării (SMI).

Care este scopul proiectului?

Scopul principal este de a dezvolta un material educativ bazat pe Standardul de Management al Inovării, pentru manageri corporatiști de nivel superior și de pe poziții medii, pentru a le permite acestora stabilirea și gestionarea sistemul de control al procesului.

Ce este SMI?

Sistemul de Management al Inovării se bazează pe standardul CEN/TS 16555, emis recent, acesta având ca scop “îndrumarea organizațiile în introducerea, dezvoltarea și în menținerea unui cadru pentru practicile de management inovativ sistematic”.

Care va fi beneficiul adus?

  • Creșterea competitivității organizației
  • Obținerea unei baza de date cuîntrebări care vă va ajuta să aplicațiSMI
  • Ghidul care să susțină instituirea procesului de management al inovării în cadrul companiei
  • Îmbunătățirea abilităților angajaților

Training pentru Sistemul Corporatist de Management al Inovației în vederea Competitivității” (InnoMe) este un proiect co-finanțat în cadrul programului Erasmus +. Durata proiectului este de doi ani (2015-2017), în cadrul său fiind implicate șase organizații:

  • Trebag Proprietate Intelectuală și Management de Proiect, Ungaria
  • Astra, Slovacia
  • Nowoczesne Firma, Polonia
  • Asociația Patronală a Furnizorilor de Formare Profesională din România, România
  • Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, România
  • MSC Suzuki, Ungaria


LINK-uri directe:


InnoMe [Training on Corporate Innovation Management System for Competitiveness] is a two years project (2015-2017), co-funded under the Erasmus+ programme. The goal of the project is to develop educational materiald based on the new European Innovation Management Standard for senior and middle managers of corporations, to enable them to establish and manage a process-controlling system. In addition, within InnoMe, we create a competitive Innovation Management System (IMS) for companies, which is based on the recently issued CEN/TS 16555 standard, with the aim to “guide organisations to introduce, develop, and maintain a framework for systematic innovation management practices”.

Within the development of the new Standard, a complex and dynamic system have been created, which can enhance the competitiveness of the companies by analysing their innovation activities and strategy, evaluating their intellectual property and establishing a knowledge portfolio, and exploiting its advantages. The innovation management system contains all activities necessary for continuous innovation. According to the new standard, these are:leadership role regarding innovation strategy; planning successful innovation; aspects supporting innovation; management process; evaluation of IMS achievements; adjustment of IMS.

Our goal is to develop and test a Training Material tailored to the new Standard, which would help the company to carry out a self-assessment process, can be integrated to the management system of the company and supports the implementation of the innovation goals with newly developed tools.

The six organizations involved in InnoMe projecta re: TREBAG Intellectual Property- and Project Manager Ltd., Hungary; ASTRA, Slovakia; Nowoczesna Firma, Poland; Employers’ Association of Professional Training Providers from Romania, Romania; Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania; MSC Suzuki, Hungary.

Direct LINKS:



General Report – This report outlines the findings of data analysis that has been performed as part of the InnoMe research [2015-1-HU01-KA202-13551], conducted in February – May 2016. Research took place in four countries [Poland, Romani, Hungary and Slovakia], and consisted in 450 online questionnaires and 32 interviews.

General report (short)

Romania Country Report – The present report outlines the findings of data analysis that has been performed as part of the InnoMe research [Training on Corporate Innovation Management System for Competitiveness], conducted in February – May 2016.

Romania Country report


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