4-5 Dec. – International Relations and Area Studies: Focus on Western Balkans

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The online conference will take place at the following link: https://zoom.us/j/93257055033



The Faculty of European Studies is holding the first edition of the international conference International Relations and Area Studies on December 4th-5th, 2020. This year’s edition focuses on the Western Balkan region and entails a virtual participation.

The international conference International Relations and Area Studies: Focus on Western Balkans aims to bring together experts, professors and researchers preoccupied with the Western Balkans. The conference is meant to be a platform for multi-disciplinary approaches to the politics, history, and society in the Western Balkan countries. The topics of the conference include (but are not limited to):

  • EU and the integration of the Western Balkans
  • Europeanization in the Western Balkans: challenges and trends
  • Post-communist developments in the Western Balkans (politics, society, economy)
  • Anthropological and sociological approaches to (Western) Balkan identity
  • The role of ethnicity in post-war Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia
  • Populism and nationalism in the Western Balkan countries

The international conference International Relations and Area Studies: Focus on Western Balkans will be organized online. The virtual participation will take place on the Zoom platform and will be finalized with the issuing of a certificate of attendance.

Conference languages: English, French and Italian.

There are no fees involved in the virtual participation.

Presented papers will be published in a post-conference volume.

Important dates:

  • November 1st, 2020 – submission of title and abstract
  • November 16th, 2020 – notice of acceptance
  • March 1st, 2021 – submission of final paper

All abstracts should be submitted to both e-mail addresses below by November 1st, 2020:

  • gianina.joldescu@ubbcluj.ro
  • ralu_moldovan@yahoo.com


Organizing committee:

  • Assoc. Prof. Laura Herța
  • Assoc. Prof. Adrian Corpădean
  • Assoc. Prof. Anca Stângaciu
  • Assist. Prof. Radu Albu-Comanescu
  • Assist. Prof. Raluca Moldovan
  • Assist. Prof. Ana Pantea
  • Assist. Prof. Delia Pop-Flanja
  • Assist. Prof. Mihaela Oprescu
  • Ph.D student Gianina Joldescu