GLOBE International Exercise – United Nations and Crisis Mission – May, 6-8, 2019

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Call for Participation

GLOBE International Exercise – United Nations and Crisis Mission

May, 6-8, 2019, Cluj-Napoca


 The Globe Exercise (launched by Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg) is an exercise for dislocated collaboration, in which crisis management and virtual collaboration have to be overcome in various roles.

As participants of the Training Audience, the task is to manage and execute a United Nations Humanitarian Crisis Mission in a close to reality scenario and develop a structure in that you can work efficiently and cooperatively.

This year´s learning objectives include:

  • Competences in collaborative and data analytic software
  • Soft skills and presentation skills
  • Situational awareness of the participants
  • Multinational project and team-management under severe time pressure
  • Headship and leadership competences
  • Improvement of research techniques and decision-making processes
  • Understanding of international collaboration and crisis management
  • Understanding of organizational structures
  • Understanding of resource management
  • Understanding of humanitarian aid missions and their challenges

Students who are interested to register to this event (virtual participation) should write an e-mail to all of the following e-mail addresses, by April 15, 2019:


Organizing committee Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University:

Assoc. Prof. Laura Herța

Assoc. Prof. Adrian Corpădean

IT – Alex Burcă

Students: Roberta Șerban, Ionela Ruști, Paul Kraft-Biriș


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