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DEMETRA – Development of a Methodological Training for Company Instructors

Providing Work-Based Trainings in the Plastics and Related Industrial Sectors


Prepared by DEMETRA partnership

Project N°: 2017-01-HU01-KA202-035951

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therei

The accelerated and steadily changing economic and social environment is a constant challenge for both employers and training institutions. Employers want to employ staff with extensive theoretical knowledge and up-to-date industry know-how, able to adapt quickly to technological development and to integrate into the corporate culture. In many European countries, there is a common effort to harmonize the vocational training system with the real demands of the labour market, as the knowledge and skills of the graduates of vocational training organisations often do not cover employers’ expectations.

The introduction of dual education attempts to solve this problem and puts work-based learning into the foreground. The mentors working in companies play a very important role in this process as they are the bridge between the school and the workplace and they help the students to orientate during their transition between the two worlds.

The other challenge rises from the fact that the young Y and Z generations will potentially soon appear on the job market. According to Eurostat’s Population Projection Report, 9 million people between 15-24 are expected to enter the job market by 2025. It is even more challenging that, at the moment, there are at least three different generations (baby boomers, X and Y) in the labour market. Making them work in teams often means difficulties for companies, as a result of different needs and working styles that are hard to harmonize. Gen Z is the first real global generation, digitally connected with each other and affected by quite common global factors.

The main aims of the project titled DEMETRA (Development of a Methodological Training for Company Instructors Providing Work-Based Trainings in the Plastics and Related Industrial Sectors) are to support the work of mentors and thus make the dual education more effective. The training material that is developed during the project focuses on the learning habits of generation Z, helping the effectiveness of the training provided by mentors.


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