Call for Application – Student Workshop “Joint Effort 2019: Virtual Collaboration on Cybersecurity”

Postat în Anunțuri studenți licență, Anunțuri studenți master

Call for Application

Student Workshop “Joint Effort 2019: Virtual Collaboration on Cybersecurity”


The University of Regensburg (University of Applied Sciences Regensburg) invites students from Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies, to register on-line to the two-day workshop dedicated to Cybersecurity.

The workshop will take place on 8th and 9th of February, 2019 and will entail a virtual participation.

Students who register to this event will be coordinated by Associate Prof. Laura Herța and the event itself will take part in room Schuman. There are no fees involved in the application and participation to the workshop.

Participating     universities: University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Babeș-Bolyai University, Rzeszow University of Technology, University of Glasgow, and Charles University.



Organization team Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University

Associate Prof. Laura Herța

Associate Prof. Adrian Corpădean

IT – Alexandru Burcă


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