7-8 April 2022: Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution

Postat în Evenimente

The Faculty of European Studies – Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, the Centre for Academic Success/Centre de Réussite Universitaire – BBU and the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations – SNSPA Bucharest, have the pleasure of announcing the organization of the 2nd edition of the international conference Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, which will be held on April 7th-8th, 2022.



Keynote speakers:


Audra Diers-Lawson


Dr. Audra Diers-Lawson is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication, Leadership, and Marketing at Kristiania University College in Oslo, Norway. As a leader in the field of risk and crisis communication, Dr. Diers-Lawson is the editor for the International Journal of Risk and Crisis Communication Research, Chair for the ECREA Crisis Communication division, and collaborates with the World Health Organization on their Risk and Crisis Community Engagement team. In addition to her book, Crisis Communication: Managing Stakeholder Relationships her published research in edited books and journals focuses on stakeholder relationship management as essential for risk and crisis communication.

Keynote Presentation Title
Thinking beyond crisis response: A better approach to risk and crisis communication

Odile Perrot



Odile Perrot holds a Ph.D. in political science and is a Research Fellow at the IRM-CMRP, Montesquieu Centre for Political Science, Bordeaux University (France). Her thesis, which draws upon her experience as an OSCE Democratization Officer in Kosovo (2000-2002), received the Varenne Foundation Award and was published in December 2007. Her doctoral research focused on the roots of the conflict and scrutinized the strategies that underpin the democratic project in the Balkans.

Keynote Presentation Title

The idiosyncratic democracy-building process in Kosovo


In crisis situations and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, good communication and conflict resolution strategies are important aspects that cannot be disregarded. In order to address these challenges, this international conference aims to support the academics, researchers and PhD students by offering them an opportunity to present their latest research results in the fields of:

  • Crisis and Risk Communication
  • Crisis Simulation
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Conflict Transformation and Resolution
  • The United Nations and Conflict Resolution,
  • The European Union and Conflict Resolution
  • Dealing with Ethnic and Religious Conflicts
  • Political Communication
  • Institutional and Corporate Communication
  • Mass-media Communication
  • Education and Learning

Due to current restrictions and uncertainty regarding live events, the 2022 edition will be held via virtual participation and no participation fees are required. Accepted papers will be published in a post-conference volume (e-book with ISBN).

Supporting journals: Synergies Roumanie

Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations

Conference languages: English and French

Important deadlines:

  • March 15th, 2022 – deadline for submission of title and abstract
  • March 18th, 2022 – notice of acceptance
  • October 1st, 2022 – deadline for submission of final paper

All paper proposal forms (LINK) should be submitted to both e-mail addresses below:


Organizing committee:


  •  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Delia Pop-Flanja – UBB
  •  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laura-Maria Herța- UBB
  •  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adrian-Gabriel Corpădean- UBB
  •  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corina Daba-Buzoianu-SNSPA
  •  Prof. Dr. Sergiu Mișcoiu- UBB
  •  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paula Mureșan- UBB
  •  Lect. Dr. Elena Grad-Rusu- UBB
  •  Assist. Prof. Dr. Roxana-Maria Nistor – UBB
  •  Drd. Irina Roibu – HUFS Korea
  •  Secretary: Drd. Gianina Joldescu – UBB



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