27 May: Research Seminar Romanian – Hungarian Border

Postat în Evenimente

The Faculty of European Studies has the pleasure of announcing the organization of the first research seminar in the series of five seminars within the Jean Monnet Network « Frontiers in motion », which will be held on the 27th of May 2021.

Due to current restrictions, the research seminar will be held via virtual participation.

Research Seminar Romanian – Hungarian Border – Conference Program

Online registration required at:


Connection link:


Conference language: English

Frontem is made up of the following partners:

  • Sciences Po Strasbourg- leading partner
  • The University of Southern Denmark
  • The Euro-Institute in Kehl
  • The Centre for Cross-Border Studies in Armagh
  • Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
  • The Catholic University of Louvain
  • University of Victoria in Canada.

Jean Monnet Network Frontem aims to perform a critical assessment of the model of a Europe without borders, so as to develop a more differentiated and multidimensional approach to the border and to provide more models for its management.

Thus, five models of EU border management will be analyzed: the border between France and Germany, the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, the border between Romania and Hungary, the border between France, Belgium and the United Kingdom, and the border between Denmark and Germany. Also, the Canada-US border model will be analyzed in order to evaluate whether the European models can be transferred to other regions of the world.