Virtual simulation – Outbreak Globe

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A new GLOBE Virtual Exercise is coming for the students of the Faculty of European Studies!

Through the exercise, you have the opportunity to join a virtual collaboration simulation where you will manage a crisis situation. This year’s edition “Outbreak Globe” takes place on the 29th of June -1st of July and has as scenario the recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that has engulfed the world. Participants will play various roles, ranging from the European Commission Directorate DG ECHO, think-thanks, Crisis Response Teams or Embassies across the European Union, and will be part of an international team that is composed of students from Glasgow University, Regensburg OTH and the Faculty of Social Sciences Prague.

In order to take part to this year’s exercise you will need to check the following requirements:

  • Upper-intermediate level of English;
  • A laptop/PC;
  • Functional and constant internet connection (since all of the exercise will take place online);
  • Headset and microphone;
  • Hunger for and knowledge and practical skills!

This exercise’s learning objectives that we, the organizers, want to further you future participants, are: Understanding internal and external institutional communication channels, function of represented institution, repatriation mechanisms, research and analysis skills, crisis management skills


If you feel like the information has not been clear or detailed enough, do not hesitate to contact the following e-mail addresses and ask as many questions as you need to:

You can apply by completing this very short google form.

Coordinators: Conf. Dr. Laura Herța and Conf. Dr. Adrian Corpădean

Team Stakeholder and Marketing & PAO