European Culture

Postat în Conferințe FSE

The Conference «European Culture» takes place every two years and it was first organised in 1990 hosted by the Centre for European Studies at the University of Navarra until its ninth edition in 2007. From the beginning it was coordinated by Professor Enrique Banús, since 2003 ad personam Jean Monnet Chair holder.In 2009 the tenth edition of the Conference «European Culture» was organized by the Charlemagne Institute of European Studies of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) and has been taking place there ever since.

The Charlemagne Institute of European Studies was created in 2000 out of the need to establish an area dedicated to teaching, studies, research and dialogue about Europe in the University.In 2015, the Conference will be hosted by the Faculty for European Studies at the Babes Bolyai University in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca. It will be co-organised by the Institute for European Studies at the Peruvian University of Piura, where Prof. Banús moved in July 2013.

It is an international and multidisciplinary conference that fosters the dialogue between experienced teachers and young researchers, therefore accepting also papers from PhD students. Within the framework of the Conference, «European Culture» is not understood as a specific identity, but it encompasses all the cultural expressions manifested in Europe and in relation to other continents.

Edița 13 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Către pagina Web a Conferinței European Culture Ed. 13 – Cluj-Napoca


Volum EC

EUROPEAN CULTURE 2015 – Conference Proceedings

Nicolae Păun, Enrique Banús (Editors), Editura EFES 2016

ISBN 978-606-37-0004-0, ISBN 978-606-526-217-1
