15 Apr 2021: The New Transatlantic Relations and the Perspectives of the Global Order

Postat în Conferințe FSE, Evenimente


Program of the conference


The annual international conference

The European Union’s External Relations and the Global Order (EUXGLOB) 

First Edition






April 15, 2021


We are proud to organize the first edition of the annual international conference “The European Union’s External Relations and the Global Order” (EUXGLOB), which will take place on April 15, 2021.

The conference aims to create a network of researchers whose expertise in the fields of international relations, European studies, political science, security studies, economics, international law and cultural studies can provide valuable insights into the foreign affairs of the European Union and the role it occupies as an actor on the global stage.

The first edition, entitled The New Transatlantic Relations and the Perspectives of the Global Order”, proposes an evaluation of the relationships between the states, economies and societies on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, after the inauguration of the Biden administration, with a particular focus on the United States and the European Union, at a time when the two global actors just got a major chance to re-launch their strategic partnership.

The proposed sections of the conference:

  • International cooperation and politics: challenges and opportunities. The West and the world order
  • Perspectives on the future of NATO and global security
  • International trade and economic relations. Still globalization or protectionism?
  • Liberal or illiberal? Culture and society in Europe and North America between radicalism, ideological polarization and new hopes


If interested, please submit a 200-word abstract, along with the title of your presentation, position and institutional affiliation at the following address: https://forms.gle/Q1Y3BHwzg3nYQX7R7.

The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2021. There is no participation fee for the first edition of EUXGLOB.

Participants will receive an acceptance notice by the end of February.

The first edition of the conference will be held online. A link will be provided to the participants the week prior to the event.

The papers presented during the conference will be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed volume.


Organizing committee:

  • Professor Valentin Naumescu
  • Associate Professor Adrian Gabriel Corpădean
  • Associate Professor Raluca Moldovan
  • Lecturer PhD Ana Pantea
  • PhD student Anda Ghilescu
  • PhD student Ioana Bercean
  • PhD student Agnes Nicolescu
  • PhD student Tana Alexandra Foarfă
  • PhD student Andrei-Ştefan Enghiş



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