Submission of documents – BA Admission 2024

The documents shall be submitted in physical format by 23 August 2024 by applicants admitted in the July session and by 20 September 2024 by those admitted in the September session.


After confirming the place, the applicant shall submit a file containing the following documents to the faculty secretariat:

  • Baccalaureate diploma and transcript of records, both in original. For the applicants admitted on subsidized places, the documents are be kept by the faculty for the entire duration of the subsidized enrollment. For the applicants admitted for non-subsidized places, the original documents are returned after being submitted to the faculty and their copies are certified by a faculty commission and kept in the student’s file;
  • Applicants admitted for non-subsidized places may submit legalized copies of the baccalaureate diploma and transcript of records, in which case they are not required to submit the original documents;
  • CNRED certificate for the equivalence of the Baccalaureate diploma;
  • Birth certificate – in a certified copy, based on the original presented by the student, or a legalized copy;
  • Marriage certificate or other documents certifying the change of name (if applicable), in certified copy, based on the original presented by the student, or a legalized copy;
  • Medical certificate (in original);
  • Two 3 cm/4 cm photographs;
  • Learning Agreement;
  • Degrees that certify the grant of prizes during high school (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize or mention) at national and international school Olympiads, national or international contests recognized by the respective Ministry, or gold medal at Olympiads/national school contests (only for students who applied as Olympic candidates);
  • Document certifying the student/graduate capacity of the applicant and the academic years for funding regime subsidized/non-subsidized (for applicants enrolled in or holding a second BA degree); if applicable, the document shall mention that the original of the baccalaureate diploma is kept at the first faculty;
  • ID card or passport, if applicable;
  • Applicants opting for places reserved for Roma shall submit a signed recommendation letter issued by a legal Roma organization certifying their ethnicity;
  • Relevant documents for applicants opting for places reserved for persons registered in the social protection system: certificates issued by DGASPC, court orders.