The academic journal Studia Europaea
Since 1996, the academic journal Studia Europaea, published by the Faculty of European Studies, has been an open arena for promoting research endeavours. The journal is reviewed by international specialists acknowledged by the Romanian National University Research Council (CNCSIS). Senior as well as junior academics from Europe and the United States have found in Studia Europaea a way of expressing their preoccupations by publishing academic articles focusing on the European experience and perspectives in various fields of social sciences.
Studia Europaea is prepared to receive articles from six areas:
- “History, International Relations and Political Science” – welcomes articles that stress the European perspective on world politics and the analysis of European political developments.
- “European Economy and European Information Society” – with articles that include analyses and comments concerning the most relevant aspects of the European economy and information technology.
- “European Community and Business Law” – brings together articles that refer to the European states and the European Communities, their judicial and institutional organization, as well as facets of business regulation.
- “European Culture, Philosophy, and Anthropology” – focusing on the cross-cultural European experience, with special emphasis on relations with other cultural areas, such as Asia or the Americas.
- “Forum” – open for BA and MA students in the fields mentioned above.
- “Book Review” – welcomes critical reviews of the latest books related to the fields listed ab
On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe
Indexed in: SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS ProQuest, EBSCO, Ulrich’s Web, CEEOL, DOAJ, J-Gate, Scipio, DRJI.
The Journal was founded in 2010 and is dedicated to research subjects concerning the European Union, having the European integration process, European policies and the EU political design as a points of focus.
The journal is being edited by the Faculty of European Studies (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and promotes original research papers that study European topics from either an economic, political, social or cultural perspective.
No fees are asked for the processing and publishing of the materials submitted by authors.
Beginning with 2019, the Journal is to be published with a frequency of three issues per year (April, September and December).
Submitted articles will be subject to a rigorous peer reviewed process. Article having more than three authors should be accompanied by an explanation of the role of each author, the editorial committee retaining the right to assess it and its compliance to the journal’s editorial approach.
Website On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe
Synergies Roumanie
Synergies Roumanie est une revue francophone de la Faculté d’études européennes, appartenant au Gerflint (Groupe d’études et de recherches pour le français langue internationale) – un programme mondial d’édition et de diffusion scientifiques francophones rattaché à la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, et dont le Siège est en France. Il crée, coordonne, publie, édite et indexe un réseau mondial de revues scientifiques respectant les standards scientifiques et éditoriaux internationaux. Il promeut consécutivement les carrières des chercheurs du monde entier ayant choisi la langue française comme moyen d’expression de leur pensée et de leurs travaux dans tous les champs des sciences humaines.
Il a pour finalité suprême la défense de l’humanisme et du dialogue des langues et des cultures. Il s’agit donc d’un pôle éditorial de rang international dont il est l’éditeur fédérant autour de lui des ressources mises au profit d’une large communauté scientifique. L’ensemble de ses publications est directement accessible en ligne. (
The Library of European Studies
Opening Hours
- Monday: 08:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 – 18:00
- Thursday: 08:00 – 18:00
- Friday: 08:00 – 15:00
- Saturday: closed
- Sunday: closed
Address: 22 I. C. Brătianu, Cluj-Napoca 400000
Contact persons:
Mihaela Pop – E-mail:
Cristina Mare – E-mail:
The “John Fitzgerald Kennedy” Library of American Studies
The “John Fitzgerald Kennedy” Library of American Studies was founded in 1991. The library owns 7300 books and journals specialized in literature, history, law, political science, economy and American philosophy, as well as encyclopaedias and dictionaries.
The Library of German Studies “Georg Weber”
The Library of German Studies “Georg Weber” was founded in 2001, and has 5000 volumes, 30 periodicals and 140 CD-ROMs on philosophy, sociology, politics, economics, law, European Union, public administration, literature and history, as well as dictionaries, encyclopaedias and biographies.
European Documentation Center (Europe Direct)
The Center is housed in the Library of the Faculty of European Studies and includes collections of books and publications on the institutions and policies of the European Union. The computer network is connected to the databases of the European Commission and Europe Direct network, providing students with access to up-to-date information, collections of documents and multimedia materials, useful both for learning and for preparing their bachelor, dissertation and doctoral projects and dissertations.
Europe Direct: